Warranty Information

All squareV Products are backed by an industry-leading 5-Year Warranty.

Terms of 5-Year Warranty

squareV guarantees its LED displays to be free from defects in material and workmanship during the warranty period. If any part of a squareV LED display proves to be defective in material or workmanship during the "5-Year Parts Replacement" warranty period, squareV will replace that part with a functioning part to ensure proper operation of the display. The replacement unit will be covered by the balance of the time remaining on the customer’s original limited warranty. squareV provides no warranty for any third-party software, whether included with the display or installed by the customer. Installation of any unauthorized hardware, parts, or components also voids the warranty. Please refer to our list below for warranty exclusions.

Our Warranty Does Not Cover

Any product on which the serial number has been defaced, modified, or removed. Any product with damage, deterioration, or malfunction resulting from:

  1. Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature. Vandalism, unauthorized product modification, or failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.

  2. Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by squareV.

  3. Software or data loss occurring during repair or replacement.

  4. Installation of LED display when squareV installation guidelines are not followed.

  5. External causes, such as electric power fluctuations or failure.

  6. Use of supplies or parts that fail to meet squareV specifications.

  7. Normal wear and tear.

  8. Any other cause which does not relate to a product defect.

  9. Hardware/Accessories/Parts/Components – Installation of any unauthorized hardware, accessories, consumable parts or components.

  10. Labor costs associated with the removal, installation, or diagnosis of the product.

Exclusion of damages:

squareV liability is limited to the cost of repair or replacement of the product. squareV shall not be liable for:

  1. Damage to other property caused by any defects in the product,

  2. Damages based upon inconvenience, loss of use of the product, loss of time, loss of profits, loss of business opportunity, loss of goodwill, interference with business relationships or other commercial loss -- even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

  3. Any other damages, whether incidental, consequential, or otherwise.

  4. Any claim against the customer by any other party.